Publication Ethics

Following is an outline of our commitment to publication ethics and transparency in accordance with the principles of the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE), and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). 

Peer review process: All submitted manuscripts undergo rigorous peer review. 

Editorial team: The full names and affiliations of the editorial board members of IRMHS are given in the editorial section.

Copyright/Licensing Policy: The authors retain the copyright of their published articles. All our publications are open access, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). This policy is displayed on our website, and also on the html and pdf of published articles. 

Process for identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct 

Plagiarism check:  All submitted articles undergo plagiarism check first. We work with CrossRef to use iThenticate to detect plagiarism. iThenticate gives a 'similarity index', which is the word-by-word copying of materials from previously published literature. We use a similarity index to make a decision. Even if the original source was cited, articles with more than 10% similarity index will be returned to the authors without peer review for re-writing. For articles with a similarity index between 1-10%, we follow the guidelines of COPE on text recycling to make a decision. 

Responsibility of Authors: As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance.

Responsibility of reviewers: Reviewers are expected to keep the manuscripts confidential, provide an unbiased scientific opinion of the manuscript on time, and declare any conflict of interest.

Copyright violation: Where relevant, it is the responsibility of the authors to obtain permission from copyright holders, and to ensure that the use of images, data, and illustrations in the manuscript do not violate copyright laws. If a copyright violation in any of the published articles is brought to our attention, we will notify the authors. It is the responsibility of the authors to settle issues with the copyright holder. As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off this statement. 

Corrections: If an error in any of the published chapter is brought to our attention, we will publish an Erratum or Corrigendum. The published manuscript will remain unaltered. 

Retraction: Proof of scientific misconduct will lead to retraction of a published article. Other issues will be dealt with on a case-by-case based on the retraction guidelines of COPE. The retracted article and the reason(s) for retraction will be clearly stated. 

Web site: To the best of our knowledge, the site does not contain any misleading information. If any misleading information on the website is brought to our attention, we will take corrective action.

Name of journal: PubMed indexation and ISSN were used as the criteria for determining the name of the journal.  At the time of publication of the first issue in 2019, to the best of our knowledge, there will no other journals with a similar name that met both criteria. 

Conflict of interest: It is mandatory that Editors and authors disclose conflict of interest.

Access: Our publications are freely available online. There is no need for any kind of registration to access them. 

Advertising: We do not accept third-party advertisements. 

Publishing frequency: Each calendar year will have six-volume. The journal publishes articles as soon as the final copy-edited version is approved by the authors rather than waiting for a collection of articles. Also, each article is published in its respective category (editorial, review, original, or commentary). As a result, the page numbers in the 'Table of Contents' displayed for each issue will reflect this rather than numerical order. 

Archiving: We use Portico and LOCKSS for the permanent preservation of our published contents.  

Direct marketing: Potential authors are invited by email.

Contact details: Our contact details are displayed under 'Contact. 

Instructions for Authors: Detailed guidelines for authors are under the author's instruction.

Article level metrics: We provide article-level metrics (ALM), which is found below the abstract of each article. This is part of the open journal systems software. We do not have any control over its functionality.

Complaints: Any complaint about the journal should be sent to with the subject line "Complaint". In the initial contact, identify yourself, state the complaint and sign off with your full name and contact details, including a valid phone number with the country and area code. The initial email should not contain any attachments, html codes, or clickable links. All correspondence should be in English with the subject line ‘Complaint’. Initial emails that do not meet any of these criteria will not receive a response and will be deleted. Emails that meet these criteria will receive a response from the editorial office within 48 hours. The Publisher will work with the person who made the complaint about a speedy resolution. To maintain transparency, all correspondence will be in writing, via the above email address.